is a registered trademark. (the “website”) is managed by Ms. Francesca Maria Zanasi, Esq., member of the Milan Bar Association.
The profiles pertaining to lawyers, professionals and consultants collaborating with the Firm can be accessed through the pages dedicated to the Founder, employees and consultants. Practice areas of IFL consultants can also be found in the Firm’s presentation page.
Address, phone numbers and email addresses pertaining to the Firm are available in the “Contacts” section of the Website.
All contents, data and information on the website are available strictly for information purposes and are not to be considered representative of the opinion of the firm or of its professionals, in this way implying that neither the firm nor its associated professionals are to be considered responsible for any damage, cost, obligation or expense deriving from any inappropriate use of contents, data and information.
All property rights related to content, data and information and to the Website are reserved.